Interface Wien > News > Visiting the StartWien Hub
Visiting the StartWien Hub
The StartWien Hub , which opened in December, received a visit on February 6th: Numerous representatives of the municipal administration, including the head of MA 17 for Integration and Diversity and the head of the 1200 Vienna branch office as well as a speaker from the office of the Vice Mayor and Acting City Councilor for Education, Youth, Integration and Transparency Christoph Wiederkehr were able to see our great new project for themselves on site!
The focus of the visit was on the literacy and German courses offered at the StartWien Hub. The holistic approach "everything under one roof - everything from a single source" that combines German language support with social counseling was particularly highlighted. The visitors had the opportunity to view ongoing courses, talk to participants and exchange ideas with teachers and social counselors.
Another highlight was the holiday care offered for the first time during the semester break, with a focus on language support for primary and middle school students. Early childhood language support was also highlighted as an important part of childcare. A gift made by the children together with the multilingual children's book "Every Morning at 10" was presented as a small thank you to Theodora Manolakos, head of MA17 for Integration and Diversity.
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