About Us

Who we are

Interface Wien, a non-profit company owned by the City of Vienna, was founded in 2008. It promotes sustainable integration and overall societal participation of children, adolescents, and adults with a migration background through counselling and educational offerings.

For more than 15 years, Interface Wien has been proactively shaping the open and diverse society and the good coexistence of everyone in Vienna.

On behalf of the City of Vienna, Interface Wien faces the dynamic developments and social challenges of our time, boldly and innovatively takes new paths and strengthens new Viennese with tailor-made educational, information and advisory measures.

Our city is constantly following the path of good coexistence, stands for social responsibility, equal opportunities and openness - Interface Wien is following and shaping this path with great commitment and enthusiasm!

What we stand for

Interface Wien is guided by the belief that advice and education for (newly) immigrated Viennese is more than just the transfer of information and knowledge. The focus of our work is targeted support, needs-oriented strengthening and sustainable participation of the target groups in social life.

Interface Wien supports participants and clients quickly, needs- and goal-oriented with advice and educational offers and strengthens them in their basic and key skills when they arrive in Vienna.

Organisationsprinzipien von Interface Wien
The three principles of our work

Interface Wien accompanies newly arrived people on their way to sustainable participation in social life and thus contributes to the good coexistence of everyone in Vienna.

Interface Wien lives and promotes diversity, demonstrating every day how important and valuable it is to view and utilize it as an opportunity for a successful future for everyone in Vienna.

Our organization

Interface Wien is a non-profit GmbH of the City of Vienna.

Supervisory Board
Representatives of the owner:
Mag.a Theodora Manolakos (Chairwoman)
Dr. Günther Smutny (Deputy Chairman)
Nina Poxleitner, MSc
Mag.a Silvia Hofbauer
Mag. Albert Mattes

Employee representatives:
Dr.in Sena Dogan
Anja Hrnjez
Mag.iur. Martin Lacroix

Managing Director
Dr.in Lejla Sirbubalo

Wunschbaum Interface Wien
"Tree of the Future" by Interface Wien
Organigramm Interface Wien
Organization Chart

Projects in the field of counselling:

in the field of education:

The staff units "Finance and Personnel Management" and "Quality Assurance and Development" support the management and projects, acting as cross-cutting interfaces across projects and areas.

The works council consists of 5 main members, one of whom is a full-time works council member. You can reach the works council at betriebsrat@interface-wien.at

Our team

With a variety of expertise and tasks, Interface Wien employs a large, diverse and versatile team in the educational and advisory services and in administration, which supports and accompanies new Viennese when they arrive in Vienna in 38 languages.

The composition of personnel, organizational structure, and corporate culture are aligned with:

  • the guiding principles of unfolding personal potentials, promoting diversity, enabling equal opportunities, and ensuring gender equity,
  • Articles 1 and 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • the fundamental rights of children and all young people up to the age of 18, as outlined in the United Nations Convention of 1989.
Gruppenbild von Interface Wien Team

In the service of clients and participants, the employees of Interface Wien are deployed at various times and with diverse tasks at locations throughout Vienna. This is why capturing a group photo of the entire team has proven to be a challenge. This group photo represents only about half of the team, but it fully reflects its diversity and enthusiasm.




Paulanergasse 3/1
A-1040 Vienna
(accessible with U1 or tram 1)

Basisbildung Mama lernt Deutsch
Wiener Sommerdeutschkurse
Summer City Camps


Knöllgasse 15,
A-1100 Vienna
(accessible by tram 1 or bus 7A)

StartWien College
Professionell Deutsch

Favorite Street

Favoritenstrasse 8/1B/1
A-1040 Vienna
(accessible with U1 or tram 1)

Basisbildung InterSpace


Graumanngasse 7
Staircase C/2nd floor
A-1150 Vienna
(accessible with U6)

Basisbildung InterSpace


Diefenbachgasse 53 (3rd & 4th floor)
A-1150 Vienna
(accessible with U4)

Startbegleitung für Asyl- und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte
MALVA - Startbegleitung für aus der Ukraine geflüchtete Menschen


Pappenheimgasse 10-16
(corner of Klosterneuburgerstrasse)
A-1200 Vienna
(accessible with U6)

StartWien Hub