StartWien College (Ukrainian)

You never went to Vidnya, зThe new middle grade (9-10 grades) should be presented first (in гімназіі, HTL, HAK тощо) но втрачаючи часу, або шукаєш apprenticeship, щоб швидко здобути надійну та хорошу profession?

Тоді StartWien College – this is a wonderful month for you!

With the help of you, you can move the German mouse, so it's effective When he went to school he was professionally trained, and this is also the case знайдемо тобі місце в middle school, abo підходящу професію!

StartWien College organizes itself according to the modular principle – this is the case Well, the girl didn't arrive until 3:00 p.m. To the beautiful young people and to the city's wardrobe - спільні заходи, кскурсії та поїздки також включені в програму!

In other words, my child went to school and was trained professionally залишаємося з тобою! Can you quickly drink? Домашнє завдання з нмецької мови викликає труднощі? With my helper you can see another program Lernhilfe (допомогою у навчанні) та допоможемо продовжити шлях до успіху! What kind of problem is there, stress on the power supply? All of them have been working for the consultants for 6 months now закінчення StartWien College!

For all that you can learn and you can pay in the young child, ти можеш дЖзнатися в цій broshuri!


Tsilova group

Help the young people aged 15-25 years with positive attestation The new heart of the heart of the world is located in Vidní

This is the course

Пн-пт 8:30-15:00
(20-30 days to Tuesday)

Trivalist course

The first time the teacher was 6 months to the max. 2 rocks.

Місце проведення курсу

Knöllgasse 15, 1100 Vienna

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