Without writing does not mean speechless

A good book for the next rainy day? One where the sun really rises in your heart? That makes you think and still makes you smile? Look no further – here it is!

Under the title "Schriftlos heißt nicht sprachlos – Kaleidoskop der Worte: Spiegelungen, bunte Bilder und vielfältige Perspektiven“, the Zentrale Beratungsstelle für Basisbildung und Alphabetisierung publishes new reading material and thus offers learners from basic education the big stage!

Also participants in our basic education program InterSpace – Basisbildung für Jugendliche are represented as young authors and write entertaining, insightful, thoughtful, entertaining, heartfelt and refreshingly honest texts about themselves, their friends, their homeland, their journey, their wishes and dreams and about arriving in Vienna.

For immediate Download or in book form – an exciting change of perspective!

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