Interface Wien > Lernhilfe
The Learning Aid project offers support in the areas of literacy, German as a second language and German as a language of education.
The target group are exceptional students of polytechnic/technical secondary schools (PTS/FMS) and learners of the Educational Institute for Elementary Education of the City of Vienna (BAfEP 21).
The aim of the project is to improve academic performance and enable non-regular students to switch to regular school status.
The 2023 project in numbers
367 participants
strengthened their skills
35 school-year courses
with different focuses
88% of participants
stated that the course increased their enjoyment of learning
Mag.a Beate Foltin
Project Management
Funding data
Project duration
- since October 2018, during the school year, ongoing
Funded by
- the City of Vienna, carried out in cooperation with the Vienna Education Directorate