JuCo has got talent – JuCo goes opera!

Standing on a real stage for once! This dream will come true for five participants of our project Jugendcollege StartWien this summer!

Both employees and participants at Interface Wien have various talents! On the initiative of our wonderful German trainer Andrija Repec, who also works as evening director at the opera, the actor and director Cornelius Obonya and the director Carolin Pienkos visited the Jugendcollege and casted a total of five background actors for the opera production “Der Liebestrank” at the Opera Burg Gars .

A great opportunity for the participants, because opera is much more than what you see on stage! The young people will not only get to know artists, but will also have the opportunity to experience integration behind and on stage in a diverse team. Perhaps one or the other will also be curious about an apprenticeship as an event technician, make-up artist, tailor, metal worker or carpenter. 

A recorded performance of the production will be shown on ORF3 in the summer.

Well then: break a leg to the fresh actors!

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Cover Jahresbericht 2023

Our 2023 annual report is here!

Hip hip hooray - it's finally here: our 2023 annual report! Full of information, stories, facts and photos of our great projects - and yet a little slimmer than in previous years - our new annual report invites employees, sponsors, supporters and interested parties alike to read and browse.

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