Look into our projects: Adios Pappenheimgasse!

Even in summer, our advisors at Startbegleitung für Asyl- und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte are busy advising! Here is a small insight into the last consultations at our Pappenheimgasse location – before the big move to our new advice center.

For 7.5 years, Pappenheimgasse was home to our advice centre – but now it’s time to say goodbye! From 26.8.2024 our two advisory centres Startbegleitung für Asyl- und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte and MALVA – initial support for refugees from Ukraine will be moved to our beautiful new location in the 15th district, Diefenbachgasse 53!

Since we need some time for the move, both advice centers will be closed from 19 to 23 August 2024!

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