Film premiere: “My head – my headscarf – my decision”

Filmplakat "Mein Kopf - mein Kopftuch - meine Entscheidung"

From their everyday experiences with racism, rejection and pressure and the desire to talk about it, young participants of the InterSpace – Basisbildung für Jugendliche program, with the support of the Extremism Advice Center, created the participatory girls* project “My Head – My Headscarf – My Decision” and a short film of the same name, which will premiere in June!

New Jugendcollege Cycle: Register Now

Neuer Jugendcollege Turnus: Jetzt anmelden!

Learn German and prepare yourself optimally for school or training at the same time - this and much more is possible at the Jugendcollege StartWien! A new cycle starts on August 26th, 2024 - registration is now possible!

Look into our projects: A trip to the Donauturm

Ausflug zum Donauturm: Text eines Teilnehmers

To mark the 60th birthday of a very special Viennese - our Danube Tower - two course groups from the InterSpace project - basic education for young people - went on a very special trip. A course participant reports.

Extremism prevention is becoming more commonplace – new workshops for school classes can be booked

Extremismusprävention macht Schule - Übung zu "Bindestrichidentitäten"

Prejudice, culture, identity and conflict - for children and young people, these topics are as exciting as they are important! Our project "Extremismusprävention macht Schule" therefore addresses the many questions surrounding these topics in dynamic, lively and age-appropriate workshops for school classes and helps students to recognize and understand important aspects for themselves.
New workshop dates for school classes in May and June can now be booked!

Registration for Sommercollege starts

Freunde finden im Jugendcollege!

Summer is coming! And to coincide with the summer temperatures, registration is now open for our new free Sommercollege courses for all newly arrived secondary school students!
As part of the Jugendcollege StartWien project, the Sommercollege offers Viennese secondary school students the opportunity to brush up their German for school during the summer holidays.

Insight into our projects: I am at home in Vienna

Kunstprojekt "Ich bin in Wien zu Haus!" - Teilnehmerin im Wienmuseum

An art project shows young people from our Basisbildung courses discovering their new city and photographs them with a clear statement for their new home. In and around the Wienmuseum, the participants discover all sorts of interesting, beautiful and curious things and pose in front of them with a large “I am at home in Vienna!” sign. The resulting images reflect the diversity of Vienna, tell stories and give integration a face.

Look into our projects: Without writing does not mean speechless

A good book for the next rainy day? One where the sun really rises in your heart? That makes you think and still makes you smile? Look no further – here it is! Under the title „Schriftlos heißt nicht sprachlos – Kaleidoskop der Worte: Spiegelungen, bunte Bilder und vielfältige Perspektiven“ , the Zentrale Beratungsstelle für Basisbildung und Alphabetisierung is publishing new reading material and thus offering basic education learners the big stage.

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