Basic Education Interface Vienna Copy Copy

The Basisbildung Interface Wien project offers basic education courses for newly arrived people in Vienna who would like to expand their linguistic skills in German as a second language, in English, as well as their mathematical and digital skills.

The project includes two course offerings: InterSpace – courses for teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 25 and Mama Learns German – courses for women aged 18 and over.

Social support and childcare round off the course offerings.

Both courses are free.

The project aims to prepare newly arrived people who need basic education for entry into the education system or the labor market and to actively support them in doing so.

The 2023 project in numbers

514 participants

strengthened their skills

153 young graduates

completed the training measure

121 successful placements

of young people in further education or employment
(79% placement success)

63 % passed integration tests

through Mama learns German participants

lived diversity

the participants come from 25 countries and speak a total of 27 different first languages


Funding data

Project duration

Funded by

en_GBEnglish (UK)