“Our Europe, our choice”: Youth College StartWien as a showcase project

As part of the Federal Chancellery’s campaign “Our Europe, our choice” for the EU elections in June, the EU facts: EU-funded projects our project Jugendcollege StartWien selected as a showcase project!

The presentation of our great project as well as other exciting EU-funded projects and 100 facts about the EU can be found on Our Europe, our choice !

By the way: The European elections are on 9 June. Use your voice – for educational opportunities in Europe! #Use your voice

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Teilnehmer*innen, die als Statisten für's Theather ausgewählt wurden mit Schauspieler Cornelius Obonya und Regisseurin Carolin Pienkos

JuCo has got talent – JuCo goes opera!

Standing on a real stage for once! This dream will come true for five participants in our Jugendcollege StartWien project this summer! The actor and director Cornelius Obonya and the director Carolin Pienkos visited the Jugendcollege and casted five Background actors for the opera production “Der Liebestrank” at the Opera Burg Gars.

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