„Schriftlos heißt nicht Sprachlos“ is celebrating its anniversary – and we are there!

For the fifth time, participants of basic education courses become authors – and can present their own texts on the big stage: The result is more than worth reading!

"My greatest wish is to become President of Afghanistan.

There has been war in my country for a long time. I work there with all my heart. People always need help from a female president. As president, I can help people find good jobs, study and live quietly in peace. Everyone must learn at school. For me, it is not right that women in my homeland are only allowed to learn a little."

writes Farida from our project “InterSpace – Basisbildung für Jugendliche“.

The numerous contributions on the overarching theme of “Reaching for the Stars” offer insight into the wishes, dreams and ideas of the writers and could hardly be more diverse and exciting.

The 129-page publication “Schriftlos heißt nicht Sprachlos – Nach den Sternen greifen“ (Without writing does not mean speechless - Reaching for the stars) can be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Zentrale Beratungsstelle für Basisbildung und Alphabetisierung – the contributions of our participants can be found on pages 86–90.

Enjoy reading!

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