Extremismusprävention goes television!

Our project “Extremismusprävention macht Schule“ was shown twice on ORF last week:

The news program “Wien heute” reported on February 17th about a school workshop on the topic of gender stereotypes – and showed exciting insights into a very successful workshop by our colleague David – and the very positive reactions of the students. If you missed the report, you can on ORF on (from min. 14:40)!

The report “Sprachlos im Klassenzimmer – die Krise an Österreichs Schulen“ (Speechless in the classroom – the crisis in Austrian schools) by Lisa Gadenstätter reported on February 19th at 8:15 p.m., among other things, about the workshops of our project “Extremismusprävention macht Schule”. The workshops that we offer in schools with great success are highlighted here as one of the “initiatives that schools and students are already supporting and thus at least providing a little relief”. The entire (very worthwhile!) report can be found on ORF on (our workshops are from about min. 28 onwards).

And for all those who like it short and sweet: Radio Wien also published this cool reel, that sums up the workshop!

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